How We Meet
When We Meet Together
Open Door –
A time of coffee (and treats) and conversation ½ hour before we worship
Sunday mornings at 9:30am
Worship Service –
Sunday mornings at 10am. Our service always includes music, a children’s sermon, a message from the Pastor, a time of prayer together, and a time for people to share how God is changing their lives!
Trailhead Bible Class –
Ever wonder what the Bible is about? Interested in learning more about the history of the Bible what it teaches? This class is designed for the newcomer to Bible Study. We read the bible a book at a time, covering one chapter each evening together – Mondays at 7pm
Shared Dinner –
We meet together and the community is invited to a shared dinner every Wednesday night at 6pm. There is always plenty for everyone Summiters Bible Class is designed for those who have “been on the trail” a little while longer. Pastor Mark McDonald leads this group that meets Wednesday nights at 7pm Kid’s Club for ages 4 thru second grade meets on Wednesday nights at 7pm. There is always an exciting bible story, crafts, memory verse work, and singing.
We host a men’s breakfast once each quarter. Sausage gravy and biscuits, scrambled eggs, bacon….all the great breakfast classics to enjoy while sharing conversation and prayer with other men. Always on a Saturday morning at 8:30am, but exact dates vary – check out the church Facebook page for most recent information.